Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wedding plans and Dashed Plans

As luck would have it, my brother had finally agreed to marry his extremely patient girlfriend in July 2014. We definitely wanted to be there for the wedding, so we were already planning a trip 'home' to England to attend.   My mind started racing, to the logical conclusion, of extending our visit so we could have a European adventure.  It was perfect.  After all, getting from little old NZ, all the way to the Northern Hemisphere, was the most expensive part of the exercise.  Once we were there, seeing a few more sights of Europe was only a hop, skip and a jump way.  We'd be crazy not to do it!  It was a perfect plan and my excitement levels were running high, until Hubby quietly reminded me that he could only take four weeks off work.

I was really disappointed.  We had so many friends and family members throughout the UK that we wanted to visit, four weeks would barely be enough time to see them all, let alone allow time for any adventures in Europe.

I felt deflated and sad that my big plans were over as quickly as they had begun.

For a few days, I think I walked around with a black cloud of despair hanging over my head.

Finally, I resigned myself to the fact that I would have to be satisfied with going to England and put aside plans to visit Europe for another time.

Disclaimer no.2: Don't get me wrong....I love visiting England and especially my family and friends, but it didn't fall into the 'adventure' category...and it was adventure i was craving.

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